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“A leader needs to know his strengths as a carpenter knows his tools, or as a physician knows the instruments at her disposal. What great leaders have in common is that each truly knows his or her strengths – and can call on the right strength at the right times.” Don Clifton, Gallup


Professional Development Program objectives:

  • To understand the role that strengths-based leadership and positive psychology play in achieving results, and in creating a positive work environment
  • To recognize the benefits of integrating positive psychology into the workplace, namely, to build resilience, neutralize stress, build optimism and open-mindedness, thereby helping individuals to excel in their performance
  • To define a strength and to appreciate the benefits of applying strengths more in the workplace
  • To identify your own strengths using a Strengths Assessment and to learn how to help your team to identify theirs
  • To explore how you might use or develop some of your strengths more

Dates: August 23 & 24, 2023

Time: 5.00pm – 8.00pm

Location: WorkSpace, The Hive, Tanki Flip 14-A, Aruba.

Price: AWG. 950.00 per person. This program includes a Strengths Assessment, Materials and Taxes.

Deadline: The deadline for registration is August 16, 2023. The Strengths Assessment needs to be completed the latest by Monday, August 21, 2023.

This program is based on the leadership and management philosophies of Gallup, a global analytics firm based in Washington, USA, founded in 1935. Gallup is one of the front runners of everything Employee Engagement.

Audience: Organizational Leaders, People Managers/Supervisors and Organizational HR Department Directors/Managers/Advisors

Your Instructor

Charlène Nectar, BSC-CEP, Owner & MD

U-SparkPeople Management & Development Consultancy  

Gallup Strengths Coach

Gallup Employee Engagement Model  & Q12 Expert

Registrations are closed. Interested in this course, program, or event for yourself or your organization? Contact us at [email protected].